Monday 9 July 2007

Nosy Moo!!

Hi there, I am wondering if you lovely people could do me a favour, my little Moo brain has been wondering who you are and where you discovered my blog. If you wouldn't mind just taking a second to leave a comment and let me know i would really appreciate it.

Thank you.......Ms Moo x

Wednesday 4 July 2007

The Great Croc Debate

The point of this post is simple, to decide whether Crocs are super cool, quirky shoes or old fart , gardening shoes!!

I first noticed Crocs some time ago and thought that they were really cool and unusual, or do i mean cruel and unusual? It took me a while to buy a pair, after all i needed to decide whether i actually wanted bright red rubber on my feet!!! So i am waiting for them to arrive in the post, patting myself on the back for being part of a trend for once and at last my super cool , bright red shoes arrive!!! I tear open the packaging, trying to ignore the overpowering smell of plastic emanating from the Crocs , and put them on. Whats the first thing i think? "Ooh these shoes are comfy!!!!" Good god, i had no idea that the Crocs would age me by 25 years, nobody mentioned that in the vast amounts of advertising or magazine coverage i had seen!!!

I basically ended up wearing them around the house at first, the British weather hardly ever allows the wearing of sandals, until i hit upon the idea that i could wear socks with them!!! That should have been red flag number 2 , socks and sandals, that must add another 10 years at least!!! So now, thanks to these shoes, i should be 65 years old and yet i am still crazy about them!!! They are comfy, it's fab being able to wear them in cooler weather and the bright colour cheers me up no end!!

I have been stopped in the street by a woman and told how fab the Crocs were and that she had 2 pairs, i have seen them on other people pretty frequently too. But there is still a huge contingent who think that they are the ugliest things ever made and who can blame them, they were named Crocs because they resembled a crocodile's snout!!

I think basically Crocs are like Marmite, you either love them or hate them and I for one love them!! (even if they do make me 65 years old!!!)

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Real Love

John Lennon                            Regina Spektor

I am a huge fan of both John Lennon and Regina Spektor, so i was incredibly pleased to find out that Regina had recorded a cover of John Lennon's "Real Love", the song that he originally recorded in his own home in 1977, but never released. The song was subsequently released by three remaining Beatles in 1996, where it reached #4 in the UK singles chart.

Regina recorded the song was for a new Amnesty International album called "Instant Karma", released 11th June 2007, to raise awareness of the crisis in Darfur. It must be very difficult to try and cover a song by such an iconic artist, but Regina has made the song her own, with her sweet voice that has a hint of an accent and the beautiful way she plays the piano. In my opinion it is even more moving than the original.

Love Is........?

I came across these sweets recently, just like "Love Hearts", but called "Whatevers". Maybe i am over-reacting but i was not happy when i realised that the sweets of my childhood had been changed in this way, ok so i still bought some "Whatevers", but only to illustrate my rant!!

We've all done the thing of giving someone you like a Love Heart,or at the very least getting your best friend to do it for you!!! Its a sacred , romantic childhood act, like giving someone your last Rolo. So, is this the cool new way to woo that hunky ( did i just say hunky?) boy you've got your eye on? I don't think so!!! I mean, how impressed is he going to be if you give him a sweet that says "Minger"?!?!

It makes my soppy old heart break to know that something so cute and innocent has been corrupted this way......LOVE Hearts are about love !! I'm all for modern slang and have been known to utter the odd "whateva" and "innit" in my time but that's my business. As it turns out the Love Heart i gave my first boyfriend was not so right after all, but hey, if i could, i would have given him one that said "Chav", but it was the 80's and who knew what a Chav was then?

Blimey what are they going to do next? Make Wagon Wheels and Creme Eggs smaller? Oh...hold on......!!!!