Monday, 14 January 2008

It's Been Too Long............

I was hoping that my first post in a while would be more funny or interesting than this, but i sit here and struggle to find humour or motivation. My life at the moment seems to be a series of events designed to keep me down.
What do you do when you are living a life you don't want but you just don't have the energy to go after the one you do want? In my head the solutions seem simple, i just have to do a , b and c to get to where i want to be. But to be perfectly honest most days i have to fight to get out of bed. Even when i do go into the outside world i am just way too good at putting on my happy face and telling everyone i am fine, when inside i am breaking down. Why do i do that? Why am i afraid of just saying "help me"? Is it the fear that nobody will understand, or the fear that they just won't care?
There is a battle raging inside my head, two voices , one telling me i have so many choices and another telling me i have none. Which one is right? If i can't tell how can i expect anyone else to be able to?
Even though i seem to have given up on life, i hope life doesn't give up on me.