I can't decide which i love more...taking photos or checking how many views i have had on my Flickr account!! I have only been a member for a few months but it is ruling my life!!! It all starts out innocently enough, you take photos, you want to share them with people, you open a Flickr account....and that's when they have you!!! It creeps up on you, you check once a day, then twice a day and then on it goes until you are permanently refreshing your Flickr page to get up to date view counts!!!
Just when your account has reached a view plateau you add new photos and the whole obsessive nonsense starts all over again!! Photography is a fantastic way to get out of the house and spend some time in the great outdoors, if i can drag myself away from my laptop and my view counter that is!!! (Hmm, am i coming across as slightly doolally?)
I guess as long as i am taking pictures , which i hope will be for a very long time, i will be fuelling my Flickr addiction. Its a bit of a catch 22. I could stop uploading my pictures i suppose, but then where would i go for my daily ego massage?!?!
If you felt like it i guess you could take a look at my Flickr page. www.flickr.com/photos/juliemoo .
Not to add to the view count you understand, just so you can enjoy my photos and maybe be inspired to take some of your own......honest!!! I may stop by there myself, you know, just to look at the photos.........and maybe just a quick glance at the number of views I've had!!!
You took the words out of my mouth Moo.
Thanks, my fellow Flickr Addict!! :)
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